
Andropause is a gradual age-related decline in male sex hormones, namely testosterone. As men age, testosterone levels decrease slowly, resulting in symptoms similar to female menopause. However, unlike menopause which happens abruptly, andropause is a slow process that can take place over many years.

Some key things to know about andropause:

  • What causes it? The decline in testosterone that happens as part of normal aging. The testes produce less testosterone, and levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) increase, which binds to testosterone, further reducing bioavailable testosterone.
  • When does it start? There is no specific age. Some men can start experiencing declines in their 40s, while others may not have symptoms until their 60s or later. It is a gradual process.
  • Signs and symptoms: Most common symptoms are low energy, decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, mood changes, erectile dysfunction, decreased bone density, and hot flashes. However, symptoms vary dramatically from person to person.

Should I get my testosterone levels tested? If you are a man over 40 with symptoms like low energy, changes in sexual function, or mood issues, getting a simple blood test to check your testosterone levels is reasonable. This can help diagnose andropause versus other issues.

What are the treatment options? Options to help mitigate symptoms include lifestyle changes like weight loss and exercise which can help boost natural testosterone. There are also testosterone replacement gels, patches, or injections, although there are pros and cons to this therapy that should be discussed with your doctor at Vitality Clinic.

Is andropause the same as male menopause? No. While some refer to andropause as male menopause, it is quite different from female menopause. The main difference is that female menopause happens abruptly when the ovaries stop producing estrogen. Andropause is a gradual decline that can span many years. The symptoms and treatment options are also different between the two.

In summary, andropause refers to age-associated testosterone deficiency in men. It involves a slow decline in testosterone over time leading to symptoms like decreases in energy, changes in sexual function, reduced muscle mass, and increased body fat. Treatment options include lifestyle modifications and possibly testosterone therapy under the supervision of a doctor. While andropause shares some similarities with female menopause, these are distinct processes in men versus women.

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