Bolstered Immunity
Bolstered immunity refers to having an enhanced immune response that provides increased protection against infections. This can happen through either natural exposure to pathogens over time, or by getting a vaccination.
When pathogens initially enter our bodies, our immune systems build customized defender cells called memory B cells and T cells that remember those specific germs. This allows a faster and stronger immune reaction if exposed again down the road - that's bolstered immunity in action!
There are a couple of key ways we bolster our natural immunity over a lifetime:
We can also proactively bolster immunity through vaccinations, which work by introducing harmless or weakened forms of viruses/bacteria. This safely triggers an immune response and memory cell production without us getting sick.
Some examples where vaccines provide bolstered immunity:
Bolstered immunity through both natural exposure and vaccinations helps our bodies effectively fight off bugs we encounter regularly. This protective effect wanes over months or years depending on the pathogen, so some periodic booster shots are recommended.
The COVID pandemic brought broader attention to this concept - since severe outcomes are linked to having weaker immunity, finding ways to bolster our defenses remains an impactful area of research. What other techniques may scientists uncover to give our immune systems an assist? The possibilities are intriguing!
I hope this gives helpful context about what it means to have bolstered immunity! Let me know if you have any other questions.